
Instrucciones post instalacion del Kernel Multimedia MDV 2007

if you want to activate realtime capabilities comment out/delete the line containing capability and add on a new line "realtime", and adjust the realtime module options in /etc/modprobe.conf.

Más información sobre el paquete kernel-multimedia-desktop-

For more info about the kernel-multimedia series, check out:


If you want to activate realtime capabilities in the kernel, remove the line (if present):


and add the line:


in the file /etc/modprobe.preload and adjust the realtime module options in /etc/modprobe.conf by adding:

options realtime any=<0|1> mlock=<0|1> gid=

any: grant realtime privileges to any process (0=disabled, 1=enabled).
gid: the group ID with access to realtime privileges (group ID).
mlock: enable memory locking privileges (0=disabled, 1=enabled).

For software suspend2 support you need to install the "hibernate" package.

8 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

¿Qué es esto Dalfa? ¿Para que sirve? Tengo mucha curiosidad. Un abrazo

Dalfa dijo...

Hola Sara ^_^

Bueno como sabes no uso Windows sino Linux mas especificamente Mandriva hace poco salio la version 2007 y personalmente me gusta mas usar el kernel multimedia de Mandriva que el kernel normal.

El kernel es el "programa" que maneja tu sistema. En Mandriva hay muchos tipos de Kernels estan son las instrucciones que tienes que seguir luego de instalar el kernel multimedia.

Jean Sagi dijo...

Y como se instala el kernel multimedia si uno ya tiene el kernel que instaló de base?


Dalfa dijo...

Pues con urpmi por supuesto:

urpmi kernel-multimedia

Anónimo dijo...

¿tienes jackit instalado y corriendo en realtime?

Si es asi, ¿podrías decirnos cuales configuraciones tuciste que cambiar para eso?


Dalfa dijo...

Lo siento no tengo jackit instalado :-/

Anónimo dijo...

Como estudiante sé, en teoría, para qué sirve un kernel de tiempo real. Pero en el caso de escritorio, y tuyo particularmente, ¿qué ventajas puedes apreciar y qué desventajas posee?, ¿es recomendable la activación de realtime?

Dalfa dijo...


Revisa: http://qa.mandrivalinux.com/twiki/bin/view/Main/MandrivaKernel

Ahi dice:
" kernel-multimedia-desktop-2.6.?.?-?mdv
*a kernel with many additional patches on top of the mandriva kernel.

Available in "contrib", and therefore not included by default on the downloadable ISO images.

i686-optimized, single processor, highmem support up to 4GB. There is also an version available that supports machines with multiple processors: kernel-multimedia-desktop-smp-2.6.?.?-?mdv

Usually the standard Mandriva kernel with patches that optimize it for multimedia use, such as for sound tools that require as low latency (roughly speaking, response time) from the kernel as possible. In general these modifications will also make your desktop feel more responsive, although the drawback is that the raw performance (for instance when compiling) is a little bit reduced. This kernel includes the patches based on Con Kolivas work, which can be found here:
Kernel patch homepage of Con Kolivas

For applications that can make use of it, (near) realtime performance is provided by a special module can be loaded into the kernel as explain in the readme file shown on install.

The kernel also includes some other features that are currently not supported in the default kernels: - Reiserfs4 support: A new, fast, and very advanced filesystem. However, it is currently still a bit untested. Use backups if you use this. - Suspend2 support: A reimplementation of software suspend (suspend to disk). You need the hibernate package, also available from contrib, to use this feature. Suspend2 may work on machines were suspend1 has problems. It is also faster and supports a user-interface (not included in Mandriva Linux at this moment).

Several modules that are available through dkms are included by default in the multimedia kernel (omnibook drivers, spca5xx, qc-usb, etc).

This kernel will occasionally lag behind the current Mandriva version due to the interaction between the multimedia patches and the ones already in the Mandriva kernel. However, it is your best choice to use for a multimedia machine: sound mixing, playing the latest games, and more."

A simple vista yo noto un mejor desempeño de mi maquina con realtime ^_^ pero solo con el kernel multimedia.