
FIRMWARE Tableta WOO PAD 705 / Tablet All winner a13 cortex

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Procesador Allwinner A13 Cortex A8 hasta 1 Ghz,
- Pantalla: 7” , 16:9, Panel Táctil Capacitivo (800 x 480)
- Memoria: 4GB NAND flash integrada
- Cámara frontal 0.3 Mpixels
- RAM: 512 MB DDR3
- Carcasa de Aluminio
- Conexión de red:
- WIFI integrada (802.11b/g/ n)
- Puerto USB 2.0 HOST
- Sensor gravitacional
- Lector de tarjetas micro SD (SDHC) de hasta 32GB
- Salida de audio
- Micrófono incorporado
- Altavoz integrado
- Batería integrada de 2200mAh
- Peso: 267 gm.
- Dimensiones: 191 x 110 x 7,6 mm.

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Alexa O'Brien: Chelsea Manning and Wikileaks

At Fort George "Orwell" Meade, home of the NSA and the US Defense Information School, managing the message of Chelsea Manning's trial was facilitated by a lack of public access to most of the court filings and rulings until 18 months into her legal proceeding.

While Manning disclosed approximately 750,000 documents to WikiLeaks, only 226 documents of those documents were charged against her under the Espionage and Computer Fraud and Abuse Acts.

Only now, three months after being convicted to thirty-five years in
prison on twenty counts (including seven containing the Espionage Act
language), do we know the identity of most of those 226 charged documents.

Do you want to know what put Manning away for 35 years? The truth is stranger than fiction.

Speaker: Alexa O'Brien
EventID: 5634
Event: 30th Chaos Communication Congress [30c3] by the Chaos Computer Club [CCC]
Location: Congress Centrum Hamburg (CCH); Am Dammtor; Marseiller Straße; 20355 Hamburg; Germany
Language: english
Begin: 12/27/2013 16:00:00 +01:00
Lizenz: CC-by

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