
FBGRAB: Tomar una screenshot de una TTY

Desde una tty con framebuffer puedes tomar una screenshot con fbgrab es muy facil de usar solo:

[dalfa@MDV2006 ~]$ fbgrab nombre_de_archivo.png

aqui un pequeño corta y pega de la man:

fbgrab(1) fbgrab(1)

fbgrab - takes screenshots using the framebuffer device

fbgrab [options] filename

fbgrab reads the framebuffer device (/dev/fb*) or a dump thereof and
saves a PNG image file. You can use it for making screenshots of of
virtually any application, from traditional test applications to your
X-windows desktop, as well as framebuffer applications.

-? print usage information.

-b bitdepth
the number of bits per pixel used, optional when reading from

-c console
specifies which console (or virtual terminal - like other people
call this feature) to grab. Sometimes this changing is faster
then the framebuffer is refreshed (especially when grabbing
framebuffer apps). If so, you should use -C console ... This
waits some time before grabbing. You can't use -s in this case.

-d device
specifies which framebuffer device you want to read. If you do
not use this option, it takes the value from the FRAMEBUFFER
environment variable. If no FRAMEBUFFER environment variable is
given or if its value is NULL, then DEFAULT_FB is taken. (see
source code), which usually is /dev/fb0.

-f filename
Read from from file instead of device, requires that -w (width),
-h (height) and -b (bitdepth) are specified.

-h height
the height of the frambeuffer in pixels, optional when reading
from device.

-i turns off interlacing. If you do not want ADAM7 interlacing, you
should use the -i option.

-s seconds
specifies how many seconds to wait before grabbing. fbgrab does
not lock console switching, so you can switch it while waiting,
if you cannot use -c requires normally that fbgrab is run as

-w width
the width of the frambeuffer in pixels, optional when reading
from device.

fbgrab fb.png

will take a framebuffer snapshot, or if you don't have fbgrab at your
machine, you can do

cp /dev/fb0 framebuffer.dump

and then

fbgrab -w 1024 -h 768 -b 16 -f framebuffer.dump fb.png

to convert it to a picture.

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