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End Software Patents Campaign

End Software Patents director Ciaran O'Riordan, reports that the campaign wiki at en.swpat.org has been growing in size and quality and is seeking contributors. The goal is to collect and organize all the information relevant to educating people about software patents.


Join the ESP mailing list:

Legislative change is being discussed or being prepared in these countries:


Action is needed. A mailing list has recently be set up for each:

In the European Union, a worrying proposal from the EPO got canceled, but there's still a current danger via the proposed UPLS patent court:

Other News:

1) Who should see the documentary film Patent Absurdity?

The End Software Patents campaign is looking to identify 200 people who are most influential to the software patent debate in the US, and are working with the well known venture capitalist and anti-software patent blogger Brad Feld to send a copy of the documentary film to them in the postal mail.


We are looking for your help to identify:

* Corporate leaders influential to the patent debate
* Standards bodies representatives (ISO? AINSI? W3C?)
* Organization representatives that support small businesses
* Influential journalists
* Academics/professors working in this field


2) Tonight (8pm EST) is also movie night at the Firedoglake Book Salon website where you can chat with Ciaran O'Riordan and Patent Absurdity director Luca Lucarini about the movie and next steps in the the fight against software patents.


3) No ruling from the Supreme Court today in Bilski v. Kappos. A case that is likely to have profound implications for patenting of software in the US. Today was one of only six remaining dates favored for the release of that ruling. The ruling is expected no later than the end June.




Peter Brown
Executive Director
Free Software Foundation
51 Franklin St. 5th Floor
Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA


Como cuesta ser fiel

Anécdota de un hombre Fiel

Yo estaba muy feliz. Mi novia y yo habíamos andado por mas de un año, y decidimos casarnos, mis padres nos ayudaron en toda forma posible, mis amigos me apoyaban. Y mi novia era un sueño. Solo había una cosa que me molestaba mucho, y era la mejor amiga de ella, era inteligente, sexy y a veces flirteaba conmigo, lo que me consternaba.

Un día, la amiga de mi novia me hablo por teléfono y me pidió que fuera a su casa a ayudarle con la lista de los invitados a la boda, así que fui para allá. Ella estaba sola, y cuando llegue, me susurró:  que ya que me iba a casar con su mejor amiga y tomando en cuenta que ella tenia ciertos sentimientos y deseos hacia mi persona, ya no podía aguantarse mas, y que antes que me casara y comprometiera mi vida con su mejor amiga, quería hacer conmigo el amor una sola vez.

¿Que podía decir? estaba totalmente sorprendido, y no pude decir palabra, así que me dijo: "Iré al cuarto, y si tu lo deseas, entra y me tendrás" admire su maravilloso trasero mecerse al subir las escaleras. Me levante del sillón y estuve así de pie, por un momento. Me di vuelta y fui a la puerta principal, la cual abrí y salí a la calle, me dirigía a mi carro.

¡Mi novia estaba afuera! Con lagrimas en sus ojos, me abrazo y me dijo: "Estoy muy feliz y orgullosa de ti. Has pasado mi pequeña prueba. No podía tener a un mejor hombre como esposo".

Moraleja: Siempre deja tus condones en el carro.


Respuesta de Mandriva Linux a los rumores de venta de empresa

En estos ultimos dias se han desatado una larga lista de especulaciones sobre una posible venta de la Empresa Mandriva Linux, aun no hay informacion oficial, Vanessa Wall, Manager de Comunicación de Mandriva hizo llegar este mensaje a BlogDRAKE para dejar en claro la posicion de la empresa ante esto:


Es lamentable leer tantas tonterias en sitios como Barrapunto, Meneame y Twitter, lo he dicho siempre Mandriva es una de las distros mas difamadas por tanto ignorante que se cree todo lo que lee en cualquier blog de mala muerte.


Free Software Foundation responds to Jobs's "Thoughts on Flash"

Apple's use of proprietary software and recommendation of an explicitly patent-afflicted standard (H.264) are inconsistent with the free web.

Ars Technica has published our response to Steve Jobs's "Thoughts on Flash":


> Watching two proprietary software companies deeply opposed to
> computer user freedom lob accusations back and forth about who
> is more opposed to freedom has been surreal, to say the
> least. But what's been crystal clear is that the freedom these
> companies are arguing about is their own, not that of their
> users. And what they are calling freedom isn't freedom at all
> -- it is the ability to control those users. Adobe is mad at
> Apple for not letting Adobe control iPhone, iPad, and iPod
> Touch users via Flash, and Apple is mad at Adobe for suggesting
> that Apple is arbitrarily abusing its control over Application
> Store users.

> Steve Jobs's "Thoughts on Flash" is the latest volley in this
> bout between pot and kettle, and while it makes many dead-on
> criticisms of Adobe and Flash, it does not change the
> fundamental character of this disagreement, nor does it solve
> any concerns about Apple's broader intentions.

Apple's use of proprietary software and recommendation of an explicitly patent-afflicted standard (H.264) are inconsistent with the free web.

In a response to an open letter from Hugo Roy of the Free Software Foundation Europe, Jobs claimed that free codecs like Ogg Theora could also infringe patents, but that does not justify making the internet standard for video a technology that is known to be patented by a group who is actively collecting royalties and suing people for infringement.



We have legal assurances from the only publicly claimed patent holders that Ogg Theora can be used both commercially and noncommercially, in any software, by anyone, without royalty.

Of course, other patents may arise, and we will have to fight them if they do. H.264 could also find itself dealing with some hitherto unknown patent claims in the future; that's just the nature of the system. Buying a license to H.264 does not magically protect you from such submarine attacks.

The software patent system is broken and we will continue campaigning for its abolition.


You can help with this campaign by watching and sharing the new film, Patent Absurdity: How software patents broke the system.


In the meantime, "Everything could be patented anyway" is not an argument for "Give up even trying and just submit to MPEG-LA."

It's an argument for Ogg Theora, and against software patents.